Monday, April 19, 2010

Vacation workouts

On vacation.  It's fun to get away and enjoy the company of good friends.  But it always presents obstacles to working out and nutrition.

My last run had been an easy 8 miler with my brother & training partner on Thursday.  Friday was the start of travel and we drove all day.  Since we started early with a plan to go long I opted to skip my usual early morning  'get-up' for a workout in the basement gym.   I did this for two reason:  I wanted to conserve my energy for the long day ahead & I was overdue for a rest day.  Saturday was much the same:  on the road, early start and lots of driving ahead so I planned on resting for driving and making my run on Sunday morning.  It was a good plan.  I was really ready to run when I arose yesterday morning (Sunday).

My 1st thoughts were that I'd really like the flat terrain (different than Vermont) and the warm air.   Turns out that I don't like having my course be all flat..... too boring.   My legs don't like it either.  Seems the muscles like the varied terrain.  It must be the different muscles are working harder and then resting (a bit) as the slope changes.  It wasn't as warm as I'd thought either.  A cold wind was in my face for the 1st have of my 10.5 miler and that made it a bit less pleasant than I had expected.  However, the turnaround brought relief and the finish was much nicer as well as much faster.

Today, I managed an abbreviated resistance training session ( weights and other equipment are missing)  but I still managed to do some good warm-ups and stretching as well as some push-ups and some core exercises.

A little less than usual?  Yes, but I'll not atrophy in a week and I'll have renewed enthusiasm when I get home and on the regular schedule.

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